A local association for surety claims professionals in greater Philadelphia.
Member Benefits:
- Stay current on surety industry issues, connect with old contacts and make new connections in the industry, compare notes and socialize with other surety industry professionals over lunch in your own backyard – a win/win proposition in this climate of travel and budget restrictions.
- Created for the surety claims professional, the Philadelphia Surety Claims Association is open to all surety industry participants, including in-house claims adjusters, counsel and consultants, outside attorneys, consultants, accountants, engineers, and others.
- Bi-monthly luncheon meetings will feature a guest speaker and a presentation on issues relevant to the surety claims professional. Enjoy plenty of socializing and quality networking opportunities. For registered members only.
- As the Association moves forward, the membership will determine whether we should branch out to offer CLE credit, golf outings, happy hours, community service projects, etc.
The Philadelphia Surety Claims Association will meet on the third Wednesday of every other month.
The Association will be funded by membership dues: $50.00 per year for all members, with free membership offered to in-house-claims professionals.
If you want to learn more about the Philadelphia Surety Claims Association or want to know more about joining, please send an email to info@phillysuretyclaims.org
Annual Membership and Sponsorship Form