It has recently been brought to our attention that several NYCSCA and DASNY contracts are being released that include extended warranty durations on certain portions of the project that ultimately fall onto the shoulders of the contractor.
In particular, we would like to point your attention to DASNY Contract #3119109999 (City College of NY Marshak Pool & Locker Room Renovation). In this contract, there is language detailing that the contractor must provide a written guarantee that warrants the waterproofing portion of the job for a period of 5 years beginning upon final completion.
Further, the contract goes on to state that the contractor must warrant the pool and deck portion of the job to be free from faults and defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 25 years. We do not find these to be standard warranties within our industry and felt it was necessary to voice our concerns to the general membership. Please continue to keep the NYCSA Board informed of other questionable warranty terms and conditions that you may be encountering.